As per WIPO or World Intellectual Property Organization, the rate of Global Trademark registration is soaring high. About four million trademark applications are filed every year. For small or medium-sized businesses, international trademark registration may not be considered as the top priority.
But when a business runs its operation overseas, registering its trademark internationally is one of the main steps to secure its identity in the foreign markets. According to worldwide Trademark Registration Experts, protecting the trademark is also important to keep the brand value high. Here, we bring you some basic tips that you can consider while registering an international trademark.
Understand where you need to register your trademark
First of all, a business owner needs to decide in which country the business requires the incorporation of the trademark. Here, business owners need to analyze their business from every aspect to define the chances of business growth in foreign countries. Conducting diverse research following all the basic aspects, a business owner needs to make a list of the countries where the trademark needs to be protected.
Take care of due diligence
If any business owner wants to register its trademark globally, he or she must take care of the due diligence of the particular organization. Take time to analyze the due diligence related to your business and understand the global trademark registration rules and regulations to register the trademark successfully internationally.
Utilize the Madrid Protocol
When it comes to registering the trademark globally, the importance of the Madrid Protocol can’t be denied. The Madrid protocol refers to a global treaty developed to ease the process of trademark registration internationally. Utilizing the process, the applicants can complete the entire process of international trademark registration easily. The protocol has approx 106 members.
According to the WIPO or World International Property Organization, business owners can register their business trademark with a single set of fees through this protocol. It is the safest and fastest way of international trademark incorporation. The list of major countries in this protocol includes Russia, China, India, and all the members of the EU.
Take note that before acquiring the benefits of the Madrid protocol, make sure that the trademark you have chosen for your business is not already registered. WIPO database offers you a one-stop solution to check the previously registered trademarks.
Hire a foreign translation service
While a businessman is applying for international trademark registration, they must get in touch with a trusted international translation service. Different countries possess different sets of rules as well as restrictions in the use of language. Experienced translation services assist you to choose the word wisely in your trademark or slogan of your business that must not hurt anyone’s sentiment.
Act Fast to have the importance
The Trademark registration process follows the first-come, first registration system. International trademark law allows any business to file for global protections within 180 days from the date they register their trademark in their home countries.
If you fail to apply within the stipulated time period, the priority of your trademark registration date is not similar to the registration in your home country. Certainly, you can apply for the registration of your trademark internationally anytime. But if you want to complete the registration process with the highest priority, you need to file the application within the stipulated date as per the worldwide Design Registration Experts.
Consult with worldwide Trademark Registration Experts
Last but not the least, while registering the international trademark, it is always a wise decision to hire worldwide Trademark Registration Experts to facilitate the process of registration. Getting in touch with an international trademark registration expert is essential to avoid any kind of future discrepancies along with registering the trademark successfully internationally. You may consult eLegal Consultants to learn more.