Covid-19: UAE Residence/Visit Visa
As a way of combating the prevalent nature of the COVID-19 on businesses and the health and safety of people in the country, the UAE Cabinet has approved new decisions.
One of which is the recently approved decision to extend Residence Permits and Visit Visas expiring after March 1, 2020 until the end of the Year.
This simply means that any visa holder whose Visa expired in March and any other month in 2020 after the Month of March, is free to stay in the UAE without fines.
The permitted fee waiver is aimed at ensuring that residents and business owners are relaxed during the trying times.
In addition, effective 1st April 2020, administrative fines associated with infractions relating to the services provided by the Federal Authority of Identity and Citizenship have been waived. The decision will be valid for a renewable period of three months.
What’s more, a temporary license will be available for a scheme on digital transaction management solutions for Notary Public’s services in order to facilitate judicial transactions under the current circumstances and to ensure the safety of litigants and all those dealing with judicial departments.
Finally, major government services expiring on March 1st onwards have been extended and made renewable for a period of three months, starting from April 1. The decision applies to all federal government services, including documents, permits, licenses and commercial registers and their likes.
For advice related to UAE, Visas and movement, please don’t hesitate to contact Us.
We wish you and your family safe health during these times.