Trademark Infringement and Watchdog Services in Poland

eLegal Consultants in Poland work to ensure that the brand, logo and trade name of your company is solely yours and can not be infringed upon.

We help to ensure:

  • Legitimate registration of the trademark of your company
  • Protection of your trademark from potential infringement

How it works

Step One

Contact us through our WhatsApp chat, web form or our toll free number, stating your full contact information, the service you would like to be provided and a request for a quote from our expert consultants.

Step Two

Receive and review our quote alongside the details of the legal service to be provided, approve the quote and pay through any of our listed reliable payment system.

Step three

Receive a fast and reliable delivery of the legal advice and documents from our expert lawyers.

At eLegal Consultants, we provide faster, convenient and affordable legal services in a click of a button.

Do you need assistance with any of your legal issues? Contact us today.

Trademark infringement occurs when a party uses a trademark that is identical or confusingly similar to a registered trademark owned by another party, without permission.

This unauthorized use can lead to consumer confusion, dilution of the trademark’s value, and damage to the trademark owner’s brand reputation.

Key Elements of Trademark Infringement

  1. Unauthorized Use: Using a registered trademark or a similar mark without the owner’s consent.
  2. Likelihood of Confusion: The unauthorized use must create a likelihood of confusion among consumers regarding the source of goods or services.
  3. Identical or Similar Marks: The infringing mark must be identical or similar to the registered trademark, especially concerning the goods or services for which the trademark is registered.

Legal Remedies for Trademark Infringement

In Poland, trademark owners can seek various legal remedies for infringement, including:

  1. Cease and Desist Orders: A legal order requiring the infringer to stop using the infringing mark.
  2. Damages: Compensation for financial losses suffered due to the infringement.
  3. Injunctions: Court orders preventing the infringer from continuing the infringing activities.
  4. Destruction of Infringing Goods: The court may order the destruction of goods bearing the infringing mark.
  5. Publication of the Judgment: In some cases, the court may order the infringer to publish the judgment at their expense to inform the public of the infringement.

Watchdog Services for Trademark Protection

Trademark Watchdog Services involve monitoring the marketplace and trademark registries to identify potential infringements or unauthorized use of a trademark. These services help trademark owners to take timely action to protect their rights and prevent infringement.

How eLegal Consultants Can Help

  1. Trademark Registration and Protection:
  • Registration Services: We assist in registering trademarks with the Polish Patent Office (Urząd Patentowy) to ensure legal protection.
  • Advisory Services: We provide strategic advice on trademark selection, registration, and protection to maximize brand security.
  1. Infringement Detection and Action:
  • Monitoring Services: We offer comprehensive monitoring services to track unauthorized use of your trademark in the marketplace and trademark registries.
  • Cease and Desist Letters: We draft and send cease and desist letters to infringers, demanding they stop using your trademark.
  1. Legal Representation:
  • Litigation: We represent clients in trademark infringement litigation, pursuing remedies such as injunctions, damages, and destruction of infringing goods.
  • Mediation and Settlement: We facilitate negotiations and mediation to achieve amicable settlements in trademark disputes.
  1. Enforcement and Compliance:
  • Customs Enforcement: We assist in registering trademarks with Polish customs authorities to prevent the import of infringing goods.
  • Compliance Audits: We conduct audits to ensure compliance with trademark laws and identify potential risks.
  1. Ongoing Watchdog Services:
  • Regular Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of trademark usage to detect potential infringements early.
  • Reporting: Regular reports on trademark usage and potential infringements, allowing for proactive enforcement actions.
  1. Legal and Strategic Advice:
  • Risk Assessment: We assess potential risks related to trademark infringement and provide strategies to mitigate these risks.
  • Brand Management: Guidance on brand management and protection strategies to maintain the strength and value of your trademarks.


Trademark infringement can significantly impact a brand’s reputation and financial standing.

 eLegal Consultants offers robust trademark infringement and watchdog services in Poland, helping clients protect their trademarks through proactive monitoring, legal enforcement, and strategic advice.

Our comprehensive approach ensures that your trademarks remain secure and that any infringement is swiftly addressed to safeguard your brand’s integrity.

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