Copyright registration in Poland

eLegal Consultants are dedicated to ensuring that the copyright of your work is protected by the relevant laws.

We help you protect

  • Written works
  • Musical compositions
  • Lectures, addresses, sermons
  • Drama works
  • Computer and application programs
  • Sound and audiovisual works

Copyright is a form of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship, such as literature, music, art, and other creative works.

 In Poland, copyright protection is granted automatically upon the creation of a work, without the need for formal registration. However, registration can be useful for evidentiary purposes in case of disputes.

Copyright Registration

How it works

Step One

Contact us through our WhatsApp chat, web form or our toll free number, stating your full contact information, the service you would like to be provided and a request for a quote from our expert consultants.

Step Two

Receive and review our quote alongside the details of the legal service to be provided, approve the quote and pay through any of our listed reliable payment system.

Step three

Receive a fast and reliable delivery of the legal advice and documents from our expert lawyers.

At eLegal Consultants, we provide faster, convenient and affordable legal services in a click of a button.

Do you need assistance with any of your legal issues? Contact us today.

Key Aspects of Copyright Protection in Poland

  1. Automatic Protection: In Poland, copyright protection is automatic and arises the moment an original work is created and fixed in a tangible medium. This means that as soon as a work is written down, recorded, or otherwise captured in a physical form, it is protected by copyright law.
  2. Duration: The duration of copyright protection in Poland generally lasts for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years after their death. For works created by multiple authors, the term lasts for 70 years after the death of the last surviving author.
  3. Rights: Copyright holders have several exclusive rights, including the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and create derivative works based on their original work.
  4. Moral Rights: Polish law also recognizes moral rights, which protect the personal connection between the author and their work. These rights include the right to be identified as the author and the right to object to any derogatory treatment of the work.
  5. Registration: While not required for protection, registering a work with the appropriate authority can provide a public record of the copyright claim and can be used as evidence in legal disputes.

How eLegal Consultants Can Help

We can provide a comprehensive range of services to assist with copyright registration and protection in Poland:

  1. Advisory Services: We can offer expert advice on copyright laws in Poland, helping you understand your rights and obligations as a copyright holder.
  2. Registration Assistance: Although registration is not mandatory, We can assist you in registering your work with relevant authorities to create an official record of your copyright.
  3. Documentation Preparation: We can help prepare all necessary documentation for copyright registration, ensuring that your application is complete and accurate.
  4. Legal Representation: In case of copyright disputes, We can provide legal representation, helping you defend your rights and resolve conflicts effectively.
  5. Moral Rights Protection: We can advise on how to assert and protect your moral rights, ensuring that your connection to your work is respected.
  6. Enforcement: We can assist in enforcing your copyright, and taking legal action against unauthorized use or infringement of your work.
  7. Contracts and Licensing: We can help draft and review contracts and licensing agreements to ensure that your rights are protected when your work is used by others.
  8. Consultation Services: We offer consultations to discuss your specific needs and tailor their services to your unique situation.

By leveraging Our expertise, you can navigate the complexities of copyright law in Poland with confidence, ensuring that your creative works are adequately protected and your rights as an author are upheld.

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