Termination Of Employment In The UK – UK Labour Law

In the UK, the term ‘ Termination’ doesn’t only refer to wrongful dismissal. It can involve many more ways. However, if an employee thinks that he or she is wrongfully terminated from their organization, they are free to seek assistance from a Wrongful dismissal lawyer in the UK. But before reaching any decision, being more informative about the employment law in the UK can help an employee to deal with the situation better. eLegal Consultants brings you this overview on the termination of employment under UK labour law.

Types of termination under UK Labour Law

According to UK law, termination can be categorized in two ways i.e. voluntary and involuntary. Let’s have a  look at the conditions of termination.


Dismissal refers to the situation when an employer ends the employment contract with one of their employees. It can be due to the misbehaviour or inefficiency of the staff. But an employer should always check the employment guidelines to avoid wrongful dismissal claims in future.


It refers to the termination of an employee without any cause. When a company needs to cut their cost or reduce the workforce, they use the redundancy process. It can be operated in two ways i.e. Voluntary and involuntary.

End of contract

If the employment is based on a contract, the employee may face termination at the end of the contract. But the contract is extendable. In this case, the employer needs to give an employee a solid reason why the employment can’t be renewed. Otherwise, employees can seek assistance from a Wrongful dismissal lawyer in the UK.


Resignation is a type of voluntary termination. It happens when an employee leaves the job for a better job offer opportunity or any other reason.


After 2011, no employees can be forced to leave the job even if they reach their retirement age. In this case, retirement and resignation are treated similarly. An employee at the age of retirement has to give the proper notice like the resignation process and work in the days between the application for resignation and the date of retirement.

What is illegal termination?

According to Wrongful dismissal lawyers in the UK, illegal termination refers to the breaching of an employment contract. The UK government has several laws to protect employees from illegal termination. However, there are mainly three types of illegal termination.

Wrongful dismissal

In wrongful termination, the terms of the employment contract are not fulfilled and the employee is terminated without giving prior notice.

Unfair dismissal

In this case, the employee is dismissed without giving a solid reason.

Constructive dismissal

It is a kind of dismissal where an employer forces an employee to leave the job.

Notice Period before termination

Under UK law, an employee has the right to get the notice period. However, the notice period follows such basic conditions:

One week –  Suppose, the employee works in the organization for more than one month but less than one years; in this case, the employee is entitled to get a one week notice period.

Two weeks – When the employee works for more than two years, the notice period starts increasing by one week every year up to twelve-week.

Suppose, the employer offers you pay in lieu of notice and you accept it, your employment will be terminated immediately.

What is the holiday policy?

When an employee is on the notice period, he or she is still entitled to enjoy all the holiday pay after the termination. Holidays are calculated with the final payment.

Has your employer terminated you illegally?

After reading the above-mentioned article and using your judgement, if you think that your employer has breached the employment contract, you can contact the best Wrongful dismissal lawyer in the UK at eLegal Consultants for immediate action. However, if you are confused, you may contact our  expert lawyers for labour matters in the UK without any hesitation.

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